Face a Face Eyewear Toronto
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Maui Jim Eyewear – MJO2720 Specialty Metals Collection Optical

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Now Booking Private Frame Fittings
Our new Brampton location specializes in Maui Jim Eyewear

Frame Information


Our specialty metals collection features titanium frames with nylon insert line décor – they are extremely lightweight yet durable! These eye-catching accessories can handle even stronger prescriptions than before, so don’t hesitate any longer when it’s time for an upgrade from those generic glasses everyone has seen a million times already.

  • Frame: Deep Black
  •  RX Power Range:+6.00 to -9.00
  • SKU: MJO2720-02MV
Try on a pair Book an exclusive <strong></strong> fitting today!

Try on a pair Book an exclusive Maui Jim Eyewear fitting today!